Thursday, May 27, 2010


Be satisfied to do your best. If you make a mistake, or the wrong decision, resolve to do the better next time and leave it at that, Worry won't alter it.

  Feel friendly towards people. If they are unfriendly, put it down to tiredness, business worries, or just plain ignorance. But don't let it stop you being generous with your courtesy, kindness, encouragement co-operation, affection.
 Expect to enjoy yourself. If you go about in this spirit, the chances are that you will develop an attitude that looks for the pleasant, the friendly, the pleasing and the beautiful, rather than the reverse.

 Collect happy thought, satisfaction and memories. Store these in your mind, rather than a string of grievances and things-and-people- i- dislike.

 Develop a variety of satisfying interests so that you will have something in common with most  people.Simplify your wants and your way of living.  Cut down on the modern tendency towards continual  frantic hurry.

 Don't put people on a pedestal and then be disappointed "because they let me down". Do not expect too much from others or depend on them. But make sure that they can depend on you.

Be quick to forgive and forget and to let bygones be bygones. Meet people half way, see their point of view, make allowances for them, speak first.

Stop fretting over plans that go wrong, ambitions that come to nothing. Irritations that have to be borne. Be thankful and grateful for the good things you have.

Learn to let go and to relax. Treasure your sense of humour. This should be working overtime as you laugh with people  and at yourself.

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